Ready-to-use Agar Media and Broth – Quality Assurance
Just like the nutrient pad sets, the production processes and quality control for our ready-to-use nutrient media are integrated in the M&S quality management system and are based on the GMP guidelines and DIN EN ISO 11133.
The broth and agar media are produced using components from certified suppliers only. The weighed portions of the individual components are documented with their batch numbers to guarantee their traceability and the adjustment of the pH-value is also recorded. Careful filling and sterilisation ensures that the quality of the individual nutrient media batches remain unaffected.
During the final control of the end products, sterility, recovery rates and if necessary any colour reactions with positive and negative microorganisms are tested. The nutrient media only leave our premises if they fulfil all of the requirements.
The batch-related M&S quality certificate that is enclosed with every package confirms that M&S products have been checked according to our quality standards and that they meet these.